Darrell is one of those people you can’t help but like: he smiles almost constantly and his good-natured personality shows he is genuine. From the beginning of his time at Hope, he exhibited a hunger to know the Lord and live his life as a follower of Christ. After finishing at Hope, he graduated from the two-year program at Summit Ministries. Now, desire for God is still there and he is integrating his faith into the activities of daily life. We are grateful for God’s work in Darrell’s life.
Jack Roberts, Director of Hope Christian Center
My Name is Darrell. I’m from Chicago and it’s my pleasure to testify about God’s grace in my life. But to start off I just want to take a minute to tell you about how God met me and when I first gave my life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
When I first gave my life to the Lord I was homeless. I had lost my family, friends, job, car, apartment, and had completely nothing. But thank God for His love and His grace; He met me on the streets and started supernaturally working in my heart to surrender to Him. What made it supernatural was that I could sense the Holy Spirit drawing me to the point where I didn’t want to do anything but give my life to Him.
Soon after that I started having the passion to want to change and the will to change. So God started opening doors for me where I moved to New York City and came to a place called Hope Christian Center. There God started transforming me into a godly man and using many other people to disciple me, such as Jack Roberts and Dave Mapes, and I thank God for those men. Even words can’t explain how much love God has given me for them. I continued to grow and develop as a man of God at Hope Christian Center.
At that time Hope fellowshipped with Times Square Church, where I heard about a school called Summit International School of Ministry. The Lord opened the door for me to be a part of the school and there I grew more spiritually. The Lord started moving me in different directions as far as preaching and ministering to adults, kids, teens, elderly, in different kinds of evangelistic outreaches. Now I am a graduate of Hope Christian Center and a graduate of Summit International School of Ministry. I am a certified minister, doing outreaches, getting more involved in ministry, and just doing the Lord’s work and being a servant for His glory. But one thing I can say about the testimony God has given me is that I can really see God’s love in my life and I’m really grateful for that.